Mini Air Conditioner-mini ac-mini air cooler-mini ac price-mini ac price in Bangladesh
Mini Air Conditioner-mini ac-mini air cooler-mini ac price-mini ac price in Bangladesh

Mini Air Conditioner-mini ac-mini air cooler-mini ac price-mini ac price in Bangladesh

Price: 1,224.00 - 1,224.00
Minimum Order: 1
Delivery Time: 3 Days
Brand: mini ac
Model Number: mini ac

Mobile Number: 01931125727

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সাপ্লাইয়ারের তথ্য

Maa Electronics House Dhaka 1st Floor, Sayed Mension, DIT Ext Road Bangladesh 2 Years Verified Supplier


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পাইকারি পণ্যের দাম সর্বদা পরিবর্তনশীল। পণ্যের বর্তমান দাম জানতে উপরের মোবাইল নম্বরে সাপ্লায়রকে সরসরি ফোন করুন। বিদেশি সাপ্লায়ার কে LC বা TT তে দাম পরিশোধ করুন ৷ দেশী সাপ্লায়ার কে ক্যাশ অন ডেলিভারী বা ফেস টু ফেস ক্রয় বিক্রয় করতে পারেন । কোন ভাবেই অগ্রিম টাকা পয়সা লেনদেন করবেন না। কুরিয়ারে কন্ডিশনে পণ্য হাতে পেয়ে টাকা প্রদান করবেন৷ আপনার অসাবধানতায় কোন প্রকার প্রতারণার স্বীকার হলে আমরা দায়ী নই ৷ অনলাইনে পন্য ক্রয়ের আগে সমস্ত সিক্যুরিটি গ্রহন করে নিন ৷

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Mini Air Conditioner-mini ac-mini air cooler-mini ac price-mini ac price in Bangladesh

  • #Arctic Mini Air Cooler Ultra
  • পানি দিয়ে ভরাট করুন, একবার ভরাটে ৮-১০ ঘন্টা পর্যন্ত চলবে!
  • চালানো একদমই সহজ শুধু পানি যোগ করুন, যেকোনো ইউএসবি পোর্টে বা প্লাগে ইন করুন এবং উপভোগ করুন!
  • বিশ্বের বিভিন্ন ব্রান্ডের এয়ার কুলারের মধ্যে Arctic Air Cooler খুবই জনপ্রিয়। এটি মাত্র ৫ মিনিটেই আপনাকে ঠান্ডা করতে শুরু করে।এবং খুবই দ্রুত আপনার বাসা অফিস ও ব্যবহারকারী স্থানকে শিতল করে থাকে।
  • আপনি কি ভ্রমন পিপাসু যেখানে যান গরমে আরাম পেতে চান! ব্যবহার করুন মিনি এসি এয়ার কুলার!
  • ইন্সট্যান্ট cool water,, 1-5 মিনিটের মধ্যেই জলীয় বাষ্প বের হবে।
  • মিনিমাম 2জন ব্যবহার করতে পারবে।
  • একটা ছোট রুমে 1ঘন্টা চালিয়ে রাখলে রুমের স্বাভাবিক তাপমাত্রা অর্ধেক নামিয়ে নিয়ে আসবে।
  • 600-700 ML পানি ধরবে যা দিয়ে ৮-১০ ঘন্টা পর্যন্ত ঠান্ডা বাতাস বের হবে।
  • এলইডি লাইট রয়েছে যা আপনাকে ডিমলাইটের আলো প্রদান করবে।
  • সহজেই যে কোন জায়গায় বহন করতে পারবেন।
  • ছোট শিশুকে নিশ্চিন্তে ঘুম পড়ান।
  • ব্র্যান্ড- Arctic Altra 2X
  • বিদ্যুত খরচ একে বারেই কম। এটি Car Charger, Powerbank, Mobile Adaptor, Laptop এর চার্জিং পোর্ট দিয়ে ব্যবহার করা যাবে।
  • এই এয়ার কুলারটি চালু করে আপনি রাতে আরামে ঘুমাতে পারবেন কোন প্রকার এসির ঝামেলা ছাড়াই।
  • পণ্যের বর্ণনা:
  • রঙ: ছবিতে দেখানো হয়েছে
  • বিদ্যুৎ সরবরাহ: 100-240V
  • জলের ট্যাঙ্কের ক্ষমতা: 700 মিলি
  • আকার: 10.3 * 8 * 7.8 ইঞ্চি
mini ac
mini air cooler
mini ac price
mini ac price in bangladesh
portable ac price in bangladesh 2021
Mini ac is

Best mini ac price in Bangladesh  and Top mini air cooler price in Bangladesh
Summer season is here, and a great little mini air cooler  sounds like it could be your new best friend. Getting a suitable mini air cooler could change your life this summer and make you feel good.

You do not have to trap yourself in a humid and sweaty environment when you can change how you feel with an excellent mini air cooler or if you feel it is a better option. The companies we list out also bring you portable air conditioners. Whether you are looking for the best mini air cooler or just want a regular mini ac to keep you chill during the summer, we are here to help you pick out the best options on the market today.

After careful deliberation and research, depending on our product descriptions, you can decide which is the best mini ac price in Bangladesh or the portable ac price in Bangladesh.

There are some benefits that mini ac offer that you wouldn’t get even from the best mini ac . You can buy these portable units at very affordable prices through

All of them come with all the necessary tools for you to operate them comfortably, including the remote control so that you can adjust the cooling power of the device depending on your preferences. From deciding whether you want a single hose model or a dual hose unit, an air conditioner can be pretty confusing, and getting portable air conditioners is not as easy as getting a mini ac.

The Best mini ac 2022
These are some of the best mini air cooler on the market today. Depending on what you are looking for, mini air cooler might be the best company bringing you portable air conditioners, portable air coolers, and so many more. This company offers you a fantastic portable air cooler at excellent prices.
This handy little device works by processing warm air and putting it through a process known as evaporation by cooling, which is how most good mini air cooler work. It works in a manner that is simpler than that of a mini air cooler and effectively removes excess heat from the air, and produces a cold air effect that lets the entire room cool down.
It works like any good evaporative cooler and adds moisture to the air to cool it down. Because it hydrates the air in the surroundings, this portable air cooler can help cool things down in arid regions where the climate can be best described as dry-hot. Because of the advanced hydro chill technology used by the device, it works as potently as any portable air conditioner would and in a manner that maintains plenty of energy efficiency. The device is easy to use, and you can control it remotely. mini air cooler  is a tiny and convenient device that does not take much of your square feet area in your house. The airflow is maintained well, and there is no worry about complications like figuring out a floor drain.

The cooling power is adequate, and this is one of the best options for portable ACs that you will come across. The portable air cooler can be placed anywhere in the room, and you can set the portable unit anywhere you like. Using the portable air cooler is pretty simple, and there is no complication like you might expect with, say, a portable air conditioner or a dual hose air conditioner. It converts warm air to cold air as any good evaporative cooler would.

Unlike a smart portable air conditioner, you can place this portable air cooler anywhere you like. Still, to experience the very best of the cooling it provides, you should be sitting within three feet of the device. You can conveniently place them on your nightstand or desk to enjoy the effects when you sleep.

If you choose a smart portable air conditioner instead, you have to look for how many square feet of space it would take and decide between the dual and single-hose models. Instead, you can use the portable air cooler that does not need any window kit as a double hose AC. The cooling power is excellent and can be adjusted as per your desire. You can use the remote control to set modes that work best for cooling and maintenance of energy efficiency. The purifier cleans out the air around it, which is not something you would find in an air conditioner.

What Is a mini air cooler ?
mini air cooler are designed to provide cooling comfort during outdoor activities such as picnics or camping trips. They come in various sizes and shapes and are powered by electricity or a battery. Portable air conditioners are also ACs because their owners often carry them around. A portable air conditioner is a device that provides cool air during outdoor activities and comes in various sizes and shapes. The primary function of these devices is to provide cooling comfort during hot days. These devices are usually powered by electricity or batteries.

Central Air Conditioning Vs. mini air cooler
Air conditioning systems can be classified into two categories: central and portable air conditioning. Central air conditioning systems use an indoor unit connected to the outside via ductwork. This system uses a compressor, fan, condenser coil, expansion valve, evaporator coil, and controls to cool your home. Portable air conditioners work differently than central air conditioning units. Instead of ductwork, they use a hose with a nozzle on one end and a filter on the other.
Central air conditioning systems are more expensive than portable air conditioners. However, you will not have to worry about running out of power or finding outlets for electrical cords. You can effortlessly move your portable air conditioner from room to room without hassle. Portable air conditioners do not require any installation. If you want to install it yourself, you can do so at home.

Central air conditioners are very common in homes today. But if you live in a small apartment or condo, you might consider getting a portable air conditioner. Regarding small spaces, portable air conditioners are much better options. Portable air conditioners can help you save money since you don’t need to pay for ductwork. Also, you won’t have to worry about running low on power.

Let’s look at the significant differences between the two types of air conditioners:
One thing that sets these two apart is their cost. While most homeowners prefer central air conditioning systems because they are more affordable, portable air conditioners offer many benefits.
Another difference is installation. With central air conditioners, you need professional help from professionals. However, with portable air conditioners, you just need some essential tools.
Another critical difference is maintenance. Most homeowners prefer central air conditioners because they require less maintenance than portable ones. However, you only need to change filters monthly when you own a portable air conditioner.

Energy Efficiency
The last significant difference is energy efficiency. A portable air conditioner uses much less electricity compared to central air conditioners. They consume about half as much electricity.
When choosing between portable and central air conditioners, you must consider your needs first. If you live in a small apartment, a portable air conditioner will suit your needs better. On the other hand, a central air conditioner will be ideal if you have a large home.

If you are looking for a way to save money on cooling bills, then a portable air conditioning system might be the right choice for you. Besides saving money, portable air conditioners also provide many other advantages. Here are some reasons you should choose a portable air conditioner over a central air conditioning system. Metrics Used To Rank The Best Portable AC

Units and Brands
These are the criteria we used when ranking the best portable air conditioners and coolers on our list:
Cooling Ability of the Device
We ensured that whether it was air conditioners or portable air coolers, they could cool down the air around the device effectively and to significantly noticeable lower temperatures. We looked for those with excellent BTU ratings.
Portability and Customization
Some of the best-rated portable air conditioners and portable air cooler devices can be carried everywhere. They are adjustable according to the user’s specific needs, and we picked out only such devices.
Price and Value
Good BTU ratings, features like a programmable timer, etc., make a lot of difference when identifying the best portable air cooler. Along with this, we made sure that the price was reasonable.
Convenience and Usability
Ultimately, we looked for the most convenient and easy-to-use products because that is precisely what you want from your portable air cooler.
Speed of Cooling
We also ensured that all the devices we have listed could cool down the temperature quickly and provide you with the desired effect.
How To Choose The Right Air Cooler?
There are many things to consider when choosing a suitable air cooler. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
The size of your space should determine the type of air cooler you choose. For example, if you have a large living area, you will probably want something more significant. On the other hand, if you have a smaller space, you may want to go for a compact model.
Power Source
If you plan to use your air cooler outdoors, you should ensure it has enough power to run correctly. In addition, you should check whether the unit has a built-in inverter. An inverter converts direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC). You must plug your air cooler directly into a wall outlet without an inverter.
You should always look for a high-performance air cooler. A good air cooler should be able to keep your room temperature between 20°C and 25°C. You should get a powerful air conditioner if you want to chill your entire house.
You should also take into consideration how your air cooler looks. When buying an air cooler, you should buy one that fits well with your décor. You should also ensure that it matches your lifestyle.
Finally, you should make sure your air cooler is durable. Check whether it can withstand extreme temperatures. You should also make sure that it is easy to clean and maintain.
With all the different air conditioners available, it can be challenging to decide which one is best for your needs. There are several factors to consider before making this decision. It is essential to know what type of air conditioner suits your needs.

Portable air coolers are excellent choices for people who like to travel frequently. They are lightweight and easy to carry around. These models come in various sizes and shapes. Some are designed to fit in cars, while others are meant to be used indoors.

Tips That Can Help You Keep Your Home Cooler During Summers
There are a few things you can do to keep your home cooler during summer:
•  Install ceiling fans. Ceiling fans help circulate air throughout your home. This helps reduce the amount of heat trapped inside the rooms.

•  Open the windows. Opening windows allows fresh air to enter your home. This makes your home feel more spacious. Also, opening windows reduces humidity levels inside your home.

•  Turn off lights and appliances whenever possible. Turning off lights and appliances saves energy.

•  Lower the thermostat setting. Lowering the thermostat setting will allow your air conditioner to work harder. This means that your air conditioner will consume less electricity.

•  Make sure to keep your air conditioner clean. Cleaning your air conditioner regularly prevents dust from building up on its surface. This increases its efficiency.

•  Change your filter once every month or so. Changing your filter keeps dirt out of your air conditioning system.

•  Replace your air conditioner’s evaporator coil when necessary. Replacing your evaporator coil ensures that the coils stay clean.

•  Seal cracks and crevices in your walls and ceilings. Sealing these areas will prevent moisture from entering them. Moisture inside your home will cause mold growth. Mold causes allergies and breathing problems.

•  Repair any leaks in your roof and exterior walls. Leaks can lead to water damage. Water damage leads to expensive repairs.

•  Check your ductwork for blockages. Blockages can cause your air conditioner to overheat.

•  Make sure that your air conditioner has enough power. An air conditioner with too little power cannot effectively cool your home.

•  Have regular maintenance checks done by a professional. Regular maintenance checks ensure that your air conditioner works properly.

•  Purchase a unit that has a warranty. Warranties give you peace of mind since they cover parts and labor costs if anything goes wrong with your air conditioner.

•  Buy an air conditioner that comes with a remote control. Remote controls let you adjust your air conditioner settings without getting up from your couch.

•  Choose a model that has a good reputation. Reputation matters because it shows how well a particular brand performs.
•  Look at reviews about the product online. Reviews provide valuable information that can help determine whether a specific air conditioner is worth buying.

•  Read customer testimonials about the product. Customer testimonials show other users’ experiences with the product.
Finally, you should ask friends and family members about their experience using the same air conditioner.

The Best Portable Air Coolers in 2022 Conclusion
We feel that buying mini air cooler might be a good idea if you are looking to invest in a device that can potentially help you beat the heat and doesn’t have you worrying about things like getting a window kit to take care of your AC and so on. Try a top portable air cooler above today!

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